How to get your 30 minutes of exercise a day

We all know that exercise has a range of benefits including weight control, mental health, and overall health and wellbeing. Working from home and strict social distancing measures have made it difficult to reach 30 minutes of exercise a day.
The home doctor experts at House Call Doctor have some tips on how to get your exercise in when you’re stuck at home.
Benefits of exercise
Exercise can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Here are some reasons why:
- Brain health: exercising can increase brain size and improve memory
- Heart and lung health: exercise strengthens your heart and improves lung function
- Mental health: regular physical activity reduces the risk of depression and can help a range of other mental health issues
- Bone health: exercising increases bone mineral density.
Here are 5 ways to get your 30 minutes of exercise a day.
1. Household chores
Although completing household chores doesn’t seem like exercise, it most definitely can be. Try to increase your heart rate while vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing, gardening, or washing the car.
2. Social media workout
There are now plenty of workouts on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube that you can tune into. This relieves the pressure to come up with a workout plan and will also give you ideas of household items you can use to strengthen your workout while not at a gym. A full bottle of water can be a good stand-in for handheld weights for example.
3. Get your family outside
It can be overwhelming to have a full house of kids and adults all stuck inside. Try to get outside with your kids and play with them in the backyard or take a walk around your neighborhood – it’s also a great way to spend quality time together as a family.
4. Try yoga or Pilates
Get your exercise and relaxation in one hit with yoga or Pilates. All you need is a mat and some comfy clothes and you’re ready to go.
5. Find active games
Family games night doesn’t have to be board games. Try fun games like Twister or charades to get the family active.