October 22, 2024

Having a health concern can be unnerving on several fronts.

First, you worry about what may be going on inside of you. Could it be something you can pass over or is it something more serious?

Second, even if you have insurance, you might fear that a notable health issue could end up costing you a lot of money.

That said what are your best options when your health concerns you?

Getting the Right Help at the Right Time

If a health concern is on your mind, you have a couple of options in play.

One, of course, is to call and make an appointment with your primary care doctor. He or she may or may not be able to see you right away. If the latter, do you worry about the issue getting worse?

Second, you could go to your nearest hospital’s emergency room. Now, one potential problem, how long might you wait to see a doctor?

One way to deal with that is by locating better emergency care in San Antonio or where you are in an emergency.

Don’t wait until a medical emergency strikes you to decide where you’d prefer to go for treatment.

Yes, there may be emergencies where you have to go to the nearest medical facility. If you are suffering from a serious illness or injury, time is of the essence.

That said there are other situations where you can have a say in where you go and what treatments you get.

By going to a freestanding emergency center, you won’t wait for what can seem like an endless amount of time.

You not only have qualified medical pros, but with a lower patient load, you get faster response time.

Do Some Prep Ahead of Time

One way to become better educated about your options is to research emergency care ahead of time.

As an example, do you know where the nearest facilities are in relation to where you live and work? Odds are you may not know.

During some free time, hop on the Internet to find out where some of these medical centers are. If a medical emergency does come up, you will be better prepared to handle it.

You also want to find about certain types emergencies and how to treat them before a pro can see you.

This is especially important if you are a senior citizen.

For many elderly individuals, getting around can be troubling. Now, if they suffer a medical emergency at home, will they get the immediate care that they need?

For example, what would you do if you fell at home or started having a sudden illness? Would you be able to get help as soon as you need it?

Among some of the best pro-active steps to take whether a senior citizen or even someone in their 20’s etc. is to:

  • Have an emergency contact on your iPhone and in your wallet or purse
  • List any medical allergies that you are aware of
  • Note what emergency center you would prefer to go to
  • If you can’t speak for yourself during your emergency, make sure a close relative or friend etc. can

While health concerns can be scary, being ready for them works to your benefit in more ways than one.