October 22, 2024

Check Points Before Buying Health Insurance Plan


A health insurance is a type of insurance that helps you cover up the medical emergency either fully or partially. It helps in looking after the medical and surgical expenses that the patient goes through. There are a variety of options under the plans and the policyholder can choose amongst the suitability and the requirement. In this article, we provide you with the checkpoints to look after before buying the insurance policy.

Check Points Before Buying Health Insurance Plan

There are a lot of factors that you need to look after before buying the insurance policy but we have listed the top 10 tips that you need keep in mind before you buy health insurance plan.

1. The level of coverage:

A few policies give the most coverage on the insurance while other give the least. You need to look after the coverage that the company gives before purchasing the insurance policy. Look after the plan that gives the best coverage and not overburdens you because the medication is already a problem and you may not want the policy to add up.

2. Sub-limits on the policy:

Sub-limits only mean the small things that can become a problem later on like the room rent or ambulance charges. These can become a headache later on making it difficult for you during the hard days. So, remember to check on to the sub-limit before buying the policy instead of the big details.

3. The waiting period:

This is the period when the exclusion of certain ailments is applied. It is always a great idea to check for the waiting period beforehand as various plans may have various waiting periods.

4. Claim on the cashless facility:

The cashless facility can be a little tricky as no one is so generous to give away cash easily. This is the reason why you need to look at the cashless option that the insurance company provides. As this can be a little problematic during the emergency. This policy is usually offered by all the health insurance companies and they list the hospitals under them to make it easier for the policyholder.

5. The entry age for the policy:

This may vary from policy to policy. It also depends on the type of policy you are investing in. Like the family plan policy or maternity policy or individual policy. All you really need to do is check for the minimum and maximum age for the policy before investing in the same.

6. Hospitals listed by the company:

Before selecting the policy and investing in it just go through the list of hospitals that are listed under the company. Sometimes we rush u into the hospital that is not listed by the company making it problematic for the cash to be reimbursed or use the cashless advantage provided by the company.

7. Exclusions in the policy:

Everything in the world comes with ifs and buts and so does the health insurance policies. There are some exclusions made in the policy so it is always recommended to go thoroughly through the policy before investing in it. This is because it can cause a problem later on during the time of emergency and we do not really want that.

8. Other additional benefits:

Do look out for the additional benefits that the policy has to offer. This cans only help you during the emergency and nothing else. Making you feel satisfied with the policy you have purchased. It also increases the scope, coverage and the benefits that can be availed by the policyholder.

9. Renewability:

A few policies and companies come up with the renewable offer while others do not really support this before investing into the policy just look for the option of renewability as the policy may not have been used at all before the maturity period and can be renewed for further use.

10. Premium paid:

The payable premium must be kept in mind before the investing in the health insurance plans. The amount that is payable to the plan should always be considerable and justifiable in comparison to other plan and also the offers that you agree to under the tensed circumstances.

Hence, always look for at least these ten points before you decide to invest in the health insurance policy. A health insurance policy can always help you make a better life during the tensed situations. You can take help of PolicyX for choosing the best health insurance plan for yourself.