February 19, 2025

Are you feeling embarrassed due to Gynecomastia? Here are options for you

Are you feeling embarrassed due to Gynecomastia? Here are options for you

Gynecomastia is the condition of man boobs in which the male breasts get enlarged as the female breasts. This condition is getting common among the adults. It is the non-canercours of the firm or rubber-like lump under the areola. In some obese males, this condition can occur due to fatty deposit under the breast so the breast appears larger.

As this condition make the male breast to look more feminine so this problem is considered as the hit for the masculine feeling of males hence this condition can be stressful and of great concern for all men. Men generally feel embarrassed due to their enlarged breasts and even they try to escape from the social gatherings so gynecomastia not only have physical effects but also mentally and even it affects the social relations of the person.

This condition can occur in males even soon after the adolescence years and grow with the passage of time. However, the actual culprit cannot be recognized that make this problem happen but some researches reveal that hormonal imbalance and excess weight and fat can lead to the enlarged breast.

Males with the enlarged breasts seek for the male breast reduction treatments so that they could restore their self-esteem and masculine feeling. For such males, there can be following three surgical options


Gynecomastia surgery in India is quite popular and considered as the safe and effective treatment for male boobs. If the males have enlarged breasts due to fatty deposits then liposuction is the best procedure for them. With the liposuction surgery, the excess stubborn fat can be removed easily and reduced breasts can be ensured after treatment.

During this surgery, small incisions are made in the male breasts and with the suction device, the excess fatty deposit is removed so as a result person could have reduced breasts that look masculine rather than feminine. After liposuction patients get recovered in a few days and can resume their routine activities.


When males have enlarged breasts not due to fatty deposit but due to some other complex reasons then excision technique can work. In this technique, the nipple is resized and repositioned by addressing the unwanted mass. This unwanted mass can be due to excess skin or due to the glandular issue.

Liposuction & Excision

If the patient is having enlarged breasts due to multiple factors like the fatty deposit or other complex reasons then both liposuction and excision methods are combined to give more optimized results. This combined treatment is purely individualized and designed according to the condition and extent of the problem of the particular patient.

In this combined method procedure of Gynecomastia only the experienced and efficient surgeon can remove the excess skin and the excess fatty deposit to restore the breasts in a more masculine look.

If you are having this problem then you can also choose the best and suitable option for you after discussing with the surgeon. Now it has become easy for people to get perfect shaped breasts due to wonderful results of the procedure and reasonable Gynecomastia cost in India.